Good Ole Grand Jupiter ~ 7 June 2019

Coming up: Great viewing of Good Ole Grand Jupiter. Our largest gaseous giant achieves its annual closest proximity to the Earth on June 12th. This close encounter promises to be a great one. Jupiter will appear times brighter than the brightest night time star, Sirius.

Those with telescopes may observe the unraveling of the great red spot - now contracted by 20% in a dramatic shape-shifting metamorphoses. No, this reduction implies no discount or diminishment of Jupiter transits to horoscopes. In fact, maybe Jupiter transits, while still extremely amplified and embellished and over the top by closeness, may possess a greater sense of inner calm. We can hope... even wish...

Even with the naked eye this planetary proximity likely inspires hoping and wishing, but before doing so, check out this close up of Jupiter from the Juno Spacecraft.


So before wishing up a star, or this very close large gaseous giant, perform a belief check.

What do you believe you’d really rather not believe? That is Jupiter’s domain after all. How about agreeing to be incorrect about that belief? Go ahead, write it down. Write down all the garbage, static and interference from real world influences. Document what you need to be wrong about. Tear up that list. Shred it. Burn it. Purge it!

Since such a purge creates extra space in the cranium where such beliefs are held, it’s best to fill that space with healthy, organic thoughts. So what do you believe in that’s contributing to your goals and objectives? Or what do you want to believe in that would be of benefit to all your life pursuits. Get on with assimilating those new concepts. Carry a list of those ideas out there with you when you’re gazing at the spectacle of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Let his emanations fill you and your list with sanction.

Here’s a very helpful tidbit to maximizing Jupiter effects. Conduct a receptivity check. If Jupiter does grant what you wish and hope for him to do in the interest of fate and fortune that betters your life, are you ready to respond and engage at the instant the opportunity appears? Are you receptive to good? Do you know how to receive? If not, here’s a crash course:

While gazing at Jupiter dare to petition with all your requests, and remember to include what your part of the deal will be upon such great rewards. Your mission would be to use your gains to make the world a better place, right?

So, as you request, focus in on Jupiter as you do your upload. When done, reset your focus on the big guy and stretch your arms as far as you can as if to scoop up everything that could come your way. Remain in that acceptance yoga posture until you feel full, saturated, satisfied. Then, bring your arms to your heart, and hold all the good received in place.

Too gooey? Fine. Put out what you want and declare you’re good to be getting on with getting on. At the first hint of positive response or open opportunities, swiftly and smartly engage. Jupiter does not tarry. Nor is he a fan of “When a door closes, a window opens.” He believes if you ask for it, you mean it and you’ll execute upon delivery. Download, install and use the dang program.

Jupiter is impatient. He will not wait. He does not tolerate tentativeness or indecision. If one wishes, then glitches, Jupiter is likely to conclude that you didn’t mean it, or worse, told a fib about how committed you are to the abundance of his endowments.

Here’s another trick about Jupiter. When receptivity to your content, ideas, art, programs or what have you appears, send it. Not after the weekend or when you get back from your spa week. Now. In the moment. When the window is open, energetic receptivity backs it. Have all your intellectual property on you phone or in your hip pocket. If someone says let me have a look, then send it. Promptly. At the moment of opportunity.

Now if you’re of the thinking that one needs Saturn and Pluto to complete manifestation (not a bad thought), then as you petition, know your bottom line. What terms can you accept? What conditions of opportunity work in keeping you aligned and healthy in your daily life? Ultimately, it’s got to fill your soul and fuel the fires of your passion.

The stresses of the world currently require more help from the inspiring wonder of the heavens than usual. Do your part and experience the awe! Sure some might be booking eclipse cruises for the coming up alignments. But now, through the next few weeks, you have an opportunity to be amazed and inspired every time there’s a break in the clouds - and pretty much from where you stand. Download one of those celestial apps for your phone. Look up viewing times online. Step outside and look up. The big guy’s watching for those who do.

Take advantage of the excellent viewing Jupiter affords. When you think about it, such magnificent viewing really is a gift. With Jupiter in Sag, head outside for viewing with a clear, receptive mind to any idea that might come your way. Now you’re cooking with gaseous giant gas!

More soon.